Purpose At Work
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With the multitude of designated cause celebration days, it can be difficult as a brand to determine which one(s) you should have a voice in. Today is World Water Day, as officiated by the UN, and there has been an important shift in the conversation from one purely of just access to clean water to one of job creation through water. In this context, and the fact that water is such an innate human need, there is space for your brand to contribute to this global discussion in a large or small way, or somewhere in between.
The degree of your participation in today’s events, could be determined by how significant (or material) water is to your brand. For example, companies that heavily rely on water as a main resource or input into their products/services – such as beverage companies – should stake a claim in how they are contributing to the water crises, rather than seen as carelessly consuming and tapping this resource without regard for broader impact. However, with the wide-ranging impact and challenges we face to provide access to safe and clean water – and also recognizing that increasing access to clean water is customers’ #1 cause of extreme concern – your brand can discover one or more ways to tap into this cause and rising conversation.
Here are a few thought starts on how your brand can celebrate World Water Day:
Launch a (Long-Term) Cause Campaign
Position World Water Day as a Launchpad to introduce or amplify your brand’s long-term commitment to addressing the world water crises. Today, Absolut Elyx announces its 5-year partnership with Water for People to bring safe water to 100,000 people. Over the next month (until Earth day on April 22), Absolut is encouraging fans to raise a toast, post a photo and tag with #raiseitforward. For every post shared with this hashtag, Absolut Elyx will donate a week’s supply of water to someone in need. What’s more, Absolut will continue this partnership with Water for People, and the opportunity for its customers to give back, where purchasing one of its products will provide either one week or one month of safe water. The partnership is a cohesive marriage between Absolut’s heritage of integrity in craft, design and sustainability and its reliance on water.
Support and Amplify a Leading Cause Campaign
Rather than leading a campaign solo, why not align with a reputable cause partner to support their initiative and increase their impact? Notable organization, Charity: Water, had planned to launch their 10th Anniversary Campaign, #FightDirty. However, the brand took a pause, deciding to postpone the launch for respect to the shocking events that took place in Brussels. Here is a beautiful example of how a brand lives and breathes its values in an authentic and human way. And, when Charity: water is ready to launch its anniversary campaign, supporting the cause by simply sharing content on social channels or hosting an internal fundraiser is a great way to participate in this global crisis. It’s anniversary campaign will continue for the next 10 months, so, lots of time to get involved.
Show Support at Home
For those in the US, this World Water Day may feel ever more pressing given the recent events of the Flint Water Crisis. In such times of need, your brand has the opportunity get involved in critical, immediate and tangible ways. From Walmart to Coca-Cola to Nestle, big brands have gotten together to deliver significant supplies and resources. What is your brand prepared to do in instances such as this, where the communities where you live and work are at risk?
However your brand participates, our collective voice and impact can help to bring real change, meaningful investment and authentic interest in making our world fairer, safer and healthier for all.
Image via Flickr courtesy of Sacca for Charity Water at https://www.flickr.com/photos/sacca/3471199535/in/gallery-wy_jackrabbit-72157623764496156/
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