Why You Should Attend the We First Brand Leadership Summit
1. Floating a Bright Idea
As the price for solar energy continues to drop and become more and more viable, engineers are finding unique and innovative uses for the tiles. One of these involves placing solar farms on top of reservoirs and other bodies of water, which saves energy by cooling the tiles, while also helping to prevent surface water evaporation and harmful algae growth. And no, the fish and animal life don’t seem to mind. More info here:
2. From Floating Trash To Treasure
In a bid to become We First’s second favorite Australian after our founder Mr. Simon Mainwaring, Professor Thomas Maschmeyer at the University of Sydney is taking the old adage “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure” to heart and developing a process that converts plastic garbage into biofuel. More info here:
3. Hope Floats, Reprise
In one of the more stunning images you’re sure to see, Italian pianist and composer Ludovico Einaudi performed while floating on a platform in the middle of the Arctic on behalf of Greenpeace. The campaign currently boasts eight million supporters and is hoping to prevent drilling in this sensitive area. More info here:
4. The Life of Pablo
“Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.” – Pablo Picasso
5. G’Day
Although he recently became an American citizen, he’ll always be an Aussie at heart… Our very own Mr. Mainwaring recently returned to the land down under to speak at Sustainable Brands Sydney. For updates and perhaps a koala picture or two, follow Simon on Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook. And if you happen to be in Oz, more info on Sustainable Brands Sydney here:
Image via Flickr courtesy of user Cyron at
Why You Should Attend the We First Brand Leadership Summit
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