The Real Food Revolution: Campbell’s and Mars’ New Commitments
1. Rio Chef Feeds the Homeless
Waste not, want not. In an inspiring tale of people from around the world coming together to achieve something memorable, top chefs and other restaurant professionals have ventured from as far as Italy, Germany and Japan to turn food that would otherwise go to waste into meals for Rio’s homeless.
Read more here:
2. Olympics Not Bringing Home the Gold for NBC
Broadcasters of every stripe have struggled to capture the attention of millennials and the Olympics on NBC have proven no exception, with viewership down by 19% overall and the coveted 18-49 demographic down by 25%. Perhaps the addition of surfing, skateboarding and other more contemporary activities at Tokyo 2020 can help bring some younger eyes back. More info here:
3. Is Pokemon Go Already Gone?
In a word: no. But after an initial flush of users, the wildly popular gaming app has seen reports claiming that its numbers are down by 20% which doesn’t compare well with other top downloads. For a more in-depth look at the data, click here: (That is, if you can tear yourself away from Pikachu and friends.)
4. Satelite Mapping Used To Study Global Poverty
If I told you that satellite surveillance and machine learning were combining, you naturally might have some cause for concern. Happily, this is an instance that sees the technology being put to good use by studying global poverty in an effort to alleviate it through better resource allocation. More info here:
5. #BiteSizeBranding
Looking for some tasty knowledge and delectable thinking on the present and future of branding? Then dig in to our very own Mr. Mainwaring’s social feeds or look up the hashtag #BiteSizeBranding to see and hear the latest from Simon.
Image via Flickr courtesy of user olle svensson at