Top 17 in Purposeful Branding for 2017: The We First Year in Review
1. Quote from Leader in Social Media (Instagram or Twitter)
Mark Benioff, CEO of “The competitive advantage you gain from being a caring and sharing company is significant. It instills in your people a higher integrity level. In turn, stakeholders want to be associated with a company that has heart. Community service: You do it because it’s the right thing to do, but it’s also the profitable thing to do.” @Benioff
2. One Person to Follow – #FF on Twitter or Instagram
As Chief Communications and Marketing Officer for the UN Foundation, Aaron Sherinian curates, moderates and leads global conversations around how to improve life for millions of people around the world. @ASherinian
3. The Event You Should Attend – Sustainable Brands in San Diego
As the demand for new products, services and business models that deliver purpose and profit continues to soar, brand leaders who are tapping into this shift are thriving in the face of uncertainty. This year, elevate your courage to galvanize purpose and mobilize your brand to succeed. Seek to clarify how your brand can make a unique contribution to the world and motivate others to follow to create impact at scale. Sustainable Brands is home to over one million business leaders who are reshaping the future of commerce worldwide – connect in person this June at SB’16 San Diego and begin Activating Purpose for a flourishing future. @SustainBrands
4. Book of the Week – Industries of the Future by Alec Ross
In Industries of the Future, Ross shows us what changes are coming in the next ten years, highlighting the best opportunities for progress and explaining why countries thrive or sputter. He examines the specific fields that will most shape our economic future, including robotics, cybersecurity, the commercialization of genomics, the next step for big data, and the coming impact of digital technology on money and markets.
5. We First Fun Fact
One of the ways we keep our head on straight at We First and remain inspired is to post a different message about compassion, contribution and collaboration on our walls every week. We then post all the messages from previous weeks in our bathroom gallery! Here is last week’s in(stall)ments. @wefirstbranding #wefirstbranding.
Top 17 in Purposeful Branding for 2017: The We First Year in Review
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